A Teacher that Impacted Me
https://youtu.be/lJpuMRYBdEQ I feel called to share this video for 2 reasons. 1. Because teachers are amazing!Particularly the ones who genuinely impact our lives, motivate us to stretch into more of who we really are and how we're called to be. In these times when so...

What does it look like for a nation to grieve together?
This question was offered to me by Valarie Kaur in her book See No Stranger: A memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love. I'm reflecting on this question often, as we explore reparations and how to repair the damage done historically and present day, as we call for...

The History You Didn’t Learn in School
The List: From Slavery to George Floyd Part 1 The List: From Slavery to George Floyd Part 2 Take time with this. Sit with these 60 points in history from 1619-2020, these moments that have brought us to today. Learn the facts you likely weren't taught in school....

Inspiration from Nature – Uprisings & Revolutions
Art by Cat Lambert For a little more inspiration... https://youtu.be/yWOqeyPIVRo https://youtu.be/oR4jzC2JDTs

White Folks: Enough with the Guilt. Let’s Challenge Racist Structures & Be Co-Liberators
Read Tawana Petty's Book: Towards Humanity: Shifting the Culture of Anti-Racism Organizing "After years of engaging in various forms of anti-racism organizing, I discovered that the methods that were being used lent to further dehumanization of many parties involved,...

Self-Reflection on Poverty & Doing Life Differently
This morning a map showing areas where covid is flaring made me curious how it compares to a map of poverty. Then a haunting photo of a child caught my heart... What allows me to turn away?What is at work in my personal biologythat lets me shield myself from seeing...

Policing & Prisons Have a Racist Foundation. Changes are Essential.
"Slave patrols" became police departments. "Slave barracks" became prisons. These institutions must be abolished because their foundation has nothing to do with public safety and rehabilitation and everything to do with oppression, forced labor, people seen as...

What is Influencing Your Experience of Life Right Now?
https://youtu.be/FnKF3xU3D24 This animation was created in May during the COVID-19 Stay Home Stay Safe order as a way to make visual the reality that we are each having our own pandemic experience. It evolved from a graphic I created to try and make sense of the many...

Longterm, Self-Sufficiency in Asheville’s Black Community
What can I do? Whether it's the murder of George Floyd, the health and economic impacts of Covid-19, or the widespread militarized police responses to peaceful protesting, the racialized brutalities of America are staring many White folks in the face and piercing...

However you’re able, Please march…
White Asheville (and other places) -- However you're able, please march today. March in the streets starting at 12 at the YMI guided by Black organizers and centering the leadership of youth, let your body show the numbers of us who are in this together. And LISTEN to...
This is my digital notebook. A place for observations, reflections, meaning making, public journaling, and invitations. I began blogging in 2003. If you’d like to read my older posts, visit EasilyAmazed.com. That site crashed and lost its flair, but all of the content is still there.
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