Intuitive collaging
I felt a strong pull-
Cut out this paragraph and
Let the words arrange anew.
The words weren’t speaking to me-
Intuition said – do it anyways.
Endorse people.
Humaning is hard.
Relationships, genuine connection,
honesty and vulnerability,
witnessing courage and integrity.
Endorse folks in your life
that show up this way.
Use your relationship with one to
strengthen the chains of connection
with another.
when presence is real.
Full. Aligned. Present.
Lift it up. Weave together
the good, the beautiful, the holy.
With strong, mutual relationships
as foundation,
where respect, attention, love and care
flows fluidly. Mutually.
Hope is a glistening star.
Dreams, potential,
believing in the unknowable-
Approach the dreams.
Live them to life.
Honor the sacred of each moment
with intentional, thoughtful
investment of time, energy, resources,
The image comes of sperm flying in every direction, released without discretion.
And the choice for personalized investment.
Our energy is sacred.
Where and how we pour in is precious.
Healing is necessary.
Let’s be specific. Focused.
Calling in, aligning with, devoted to.
And diligent to wither away, eradicate,
dispel the obstacles that block the flow
ff medicine. Healing.
Energy that nurtures life.