A prayer posted to Facebook tonight. November 2, 2020.
Some Voting Day Eve thoughts and prayers…

I pray that all the blood and sweat and tears and death and innovation and creativity and resilience and love that has been poured into this country, into this land… that it may be for an ultimate contribution of serving life and positive evolution.
I don’t believe in either political party. I don’t believe that our democracy works in a way that is actually powered by the people.
I do believe that governance by the people, for the people is possible… That liberty and justice for all is such a beautiful vision.
So I vote. And I organize. And I dream of what’s possible and how we might get there.
Please, if you haven’t, please vote. There is no reason for us to be leading in all these tragic and dehumanizing ways.

Given the manipulated ways of social media, I imagine that most people who read my Facebook page are pretty similar to me and have already voted or are planning to vote. To us, I request that we stay steady…
- Steadily paying attention to what is going on around us.
- Steadily tending to our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around us;
regulating with our emotions, resting, offering care to ourselves and each other. - I pray that we steadily invest time and energy towards a country, towards a local community, that prioritizes human dignity, humans thriving, access to basic human rights, and justice for all.
I believe it’s possible… that we’re capable of truly remarkable futures if we move compassionately and strategically and together.
And if you’re in Asheville, and you haven’t voted, vote for Kim Roney.