Apologies & Feedback

There are so many perceptions of reality orbiting through existence, sometimes clashing, sometimes running parallel, sometimes uniting for collaboration and care. And most of the time, inside my own little brain (and likely in the brains of others), I think that how I...

COVID Changed things Professionally

I used to travel a lot for work and professional development, frequently participating in gatherings of 15 - 6,000 people. Sometimes as a facilitator, other times a participant, always as a learner. And then COVID. I still interact regularly with groups. Digitally. We...

Noticing Culture (and Changing it?)

I'm fascinated by culture. How culture is created, how cultures shape our every thought and action, how similar or different cultures can be. In the journey to grow a more loving and just society, culture is an essential part of strategies for lasting change. If...
The History You Didn’t Learn in School

The History You Didn’t Learn in School

The List: From Slavery to George Floyd Part 1 The List: From Slavery to George Floyd Part 2 Take time with this. Sit with these 60 points in history from 1619-2020, these moments that have brought us to today. Learn the facts you likely weren't taught in school....

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However you’re able, Please march…

However you’re able, Please march…

White Asheville (and other places) -- However you're able, please march today. March in the streets starting at 12 at the YMI guided by Black organizers and centering the leadership of youth, let your body show the numbers of us who are in this together. And LISTEN to...

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Welcome to this weblog

This is my digital notebook. A place for observations, reflections, meaning making, public journaling, and invitations. I began blogging in 2003. If you’d like to read my older posts, visit EasilyAmazed.com. That site crashed and lost its flair, but all of the content is still there.


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