There are so many perceptions of reality orbiting through existence, sometimes clashing, sometimes running parallel, sometimes uniting for collaboration and care. And most of the time, inside my own little brain (and likely in the brains of others), I think that how I am perceiving what’s happening around me is THE WAY IT IS. My brain tries to convince me that my perceptions are what’s really going on.

Fortunately, life continues to teach me that this is rarely the case. There are many realities at once.
The experience of what is happening in a moment is stitched together by the observations, emotions, past experiences, biases, environmental influences, (and so much more) of each individual.

I dream of being connected to more and more people who are stretching our muscles to be able to see and be curious about different views of how a moment is experienced. Growing these muscles is not possible on my own. It has required feedback from others, people willing to be generous and offer insight into how they are perceiving me in our interactions. It has required me to reflect on where my own perceptions come from, how my own emotions and past experiences are influencing my actions and reactions. It has required me to take risks to acknowledge when I’ve made a mistake and allow room to hear and be with the harm I’ve caused. It has involved me disrupting the flow of “keep the peace and carry on” by reaching out to someone and asking if we could have a conversation about how their actions have impacted me.
The journey of growing these muscles has been and continues to be one that is filled with both tension, nervousness, and anticipation AND nourishment, invigoration, and access to deeper and more fulfilling relationships.
This is ongoing learning. Will you join me in this inquiry and practice? A couple of upcoming workshops:
Sign up for Apologies Session.
If you feel called to participate in either of these workshops and the cost is a barrier, please reach out and we’ll find a way to learn together.