Profound and magical
things are possible when
we work together.

Let’s tap into the wisdom that lives amidst our differences and all that’s possible when we are invested in moving forward together.

Sharing 20+ years of experience
facilitating people in the processes of


People hire Ashley to


Facilitate community engagement and meaningful conversations


Design and convene learning experiences


Foster a more equitable, compassionate, and collaborative culture


Clarify a game plan and take the next steps towards more love, fluency, and collaboration in their life, organization, family, and/or community

Clients are nonprofits, schools, municipalities, businesses, philanthropic foundations, and grassroots initiatives (see examples of past work). These are determined individuals, mission-driven organizations, and groups that are ready for support to move forward intentionally and in connected, inclusive ways.

Offerings and Services

Some of the things I love to do.

A NEW Offering: Integration Coaching

Support to translate insights, values, and life lessons into one’s day-to-day lived reality.

Community-Guided / Participatory Process
Consulting and Facilitation

What does this mean?
Community co-creation. The people who are impacted by a project, initiative, or decision are intentionally engaged to discern, understand, imagine, or implement what happens. The perspectives, insights, strategies, and existing relationships of people central to the matter are the expertise drawn upon to clarify the direction and approach. Ashley (and other supportive, accountability partners) offer strategic direction, thought partnership, facilitation, and project management support. The approach is shaped by formal training and direct experiences with groups and communities of many sizes and compositions, groups that are learning and moving forward together.

Collaboration and Team Dynamics

Because we are better together.

  • Strengthening collaborative and co-creative skills within groups and teams.
  • Facilitating community-wide or multi-stakeholder conversations and experiences.
  • Growing muscles to move forward in caring, courageous, efficient, and collaborative ways.

Designing and Facilitating Learning Environments

Learning makes room for magic; unclogging space for possibility and crystalizing insight.
From teaching youth social and emotional skills to graduate-level courses about leadership, community organizing, and facilitation to yearlong fellowship programs, my range of experience in this work is wide. My heart comes alive when I am co-designing and co-facilitating spaces for people to learn and grow. Programs can be multi-hour, multi-day, or spanning over months or years and be for humans of any age. Topics vary based on what is relevant and meaningful for the particular group or purpose and the approach is always experiential, relational, and ideally meaningful.


Program/Initiative Evaluation

Growing understanding to support intentional action and positive development.
  • What did we intend to do? What are we doing? How is it going? What are we learning? Now what?
  • What is having a valuable impact? What obstacles are inhibiting positive movement? What outcomes are emerging from the efforts?
  • What to continue? What to adapt? What to stop doing?

The methodologies and data points for evaluation center the learning priorities for those involved in implementing the program or initiative. Data generated through these processes can also be of value for funders and other relevant parties. People’s direct experiences inform the data and the people connected to the matter make sense of the data shared.

Trust-Based Philanthropy

A no-strings-attached, holistic approach to giving that invites transparency and accountability.
Grounded in the perspective that:

  • Some people have access to finances that are beyond personal/familial needs and desires and thus are able to invest in individuals and initiatives that are at the frontlines of enhancing more wellbeing in the communities they all live in.
  • There are brilliant and creative people with direct knowledge, coherent strategies, cultural investment, and the personal relationships necessary to address existing community challenges.
  • People can be trusted to use resources in ways that serve collaboration, healing, and community wellbeing.

Facilitating processes and connections between donors and grassroots initiatives led by local leaders. Communicating the opportunities and advantages of trust-based giving and initiatives that promote self-governance and financial decision-making autonomy with accountability.

Mural of 2 hands by George Fox students: Annabelle Wombacher, Jared Mar, Sierra Ratcliff and Benjamin Cahoon. Article. Photo source.